I love her intentionality behind planning for the upcoming TBR season! Finding categories and also thinking about what kind of movies and shows you like to watch. So smart and helpful!!

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I love it, too. It's a great way to really focus on what YOU need at the moment and tune out the chatter. I love the book community on Substack but sometimes it feels like everyone is reading that one book and I personally feel fomo kicking in. This system allows you to feel good about what you are not reading.

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Yes, I really feel that too. For example, this is not the season for me to read “All Fours,” haha. Maybe one day!

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OMG. Totally get that. I am kind of feeling that way about Intermezzo right now. I am feeling the effect of the hype machine and I have loved the Sally Rooney books that I have read so far but I am feeling resistance about this one title right now. Maybe one day!

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oh totally--the Sally Rooney train is fierce. I never read Beautiful World--did you enjoy it?

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I'm jumping in! Beautiful World is my favorite Rooney. I love seeing how her characters have evolved as she's gotten older, too. But not to add to the Rooney hype machine! Definitely read it when it calls to you ◡̈

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Oh good to know!! Might just pick it up now, on the train headed to a bookstore as I type this. 🤭

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I *JUST* read it and I really loved it .... except for the ending. I don't want to spoil anything but let me put it this way... after the anguish she put me through, I thought the ending was too.... clean.

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Just so it's clear... I just read Beautiful World, not Intermezzo. I think we were posting at the same time.

As much as I am feeling annoyed, I have also pre-ordered Intermezzo. I am Eastern European, can't really resist a good chess book. 😂

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omg! send me a picture of what you get!!!

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Reading the first 10 pages in fascinating! I feel like I do this with audiobooks (listen to a couple of chapters to decide) but haven't done it with a physical book.

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I haven't either, I have no idea why I never thought of it before! I am about to face the dilemma of what to read next and excited to read too many things. I will start reading and see what feels unputdownable right now.

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Thank you for another brilliant interview! I loved Michelle's responses and her intentionality towards her reading life. I'm loving this series!

I think the tip that resonated most with me right now is around choosing books to read that really excite you: I am trying to introduce this into my life, as I have often found myself picking up whatever the library has to offer. Which is fine to pick up gems you might otherwise not have known about, but I am 'allowing' myself a monthly book budget going forwards, and making a trip to the bookshop a special event (I got this partly from your Saturday morning dress-up trips to the library, Petya!) I am going to browse for however long I like, read a few pages of books, buy whatever I have on my to-read list, and then take myself out to lunch to read it. Heaven :)

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Goosebumps! You just described what a perfect me-date looks like for me too!!!

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Ha! Me too. Here’s to all the me-dates :)))

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Oh, Kate, this sounds like an absolute DELIGHT!

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I love you always getting me excited about reading—and I’m already excited but it reminds me every time how important it is to me.

The tip about being off social media has been 100% true for me. I went off in November 2020 and I’ve read so many more books since then. I have to be careful around Substack encouraging similar social media type behaviors.

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I'm with you, Kaitlyn! Substack has been so fun but I definitely find myself gravitating to it more and more in my downtime.

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Spreadsheets are great! I have been using a somewhat similar method for years. Late in the year, usually in November or December, I will take a day dedicated entirely to planning out my reading for the next year. I find someplace quiet, with a pot of coffee, a notepad, my favorite pen, and a copy of my TBR. I start by sketching out some general themes I want to focus on for the year. It changes wildly from year to year as my reading tastes are eclectic. Then I start browsing through my TBR and seeing what fits. Sometimes the browsing leads to new ideas or I see an author I really want to explore. I spend a few hours going through this process until I come up with a general idea of my reading plan. Now, I will say, that I rarely stick to the plan entirely. Sometimes I will realize my interests have shifted. Sometimes I pick up a random book. Sometimes I get tired of a topic or author. So there is lots of room for flexibility and spontenaity. However, having a plan to deviate from is half the battle. Being intentional about my process has doubled the amount I can read in a year. Here is a link to the spreadsheet I used for 2024.


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Matthew! I GASPED!!! This is AMAZING!!!

Before I go into a total deep-dive of your spreadsheet, I will say that as much as I self-identify as a mood reader, I have found that doing some intentional thinking about what kind of reading I want to be doing changes my entire reading experience. What I love about your system is that you can actually see how much depth and focus you are building! It's incredible!!!

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Wow, Matthew! The spreadsheet is so beautiful and I love how it gives you some direction for your reading for the year. I think having that framework, but allowing room for discovery and moods is such a good way to read!

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Thanks for having me, Petya! I love reading about other folks' reading lives and it was so fun to share a glimpse at mine ◡̈

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god i love a good spreadsheet!!! and seeing how others organize their life. lists are my love language 🖤

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yes. same. i am trying to take all of this in and see what truly resonates so that i can make it my own. but michelle and matthew's spreadsheets will turn me into a planner. 🫣

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I love how Michelle selects her categories with specific sentiments, I think I do that internally but the idea of writing those things out and then directly connecting books to them feels intentional. I'm excited to try that!

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Same. I have been enjoying a very particular type of book recently and this type of spreadsheet might help me define what that is more specifically so that I can go even deeper (which is what I am craving in the moment).

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