Sep 3Liked by Petya K. Grady

Petya, the way you spoke of your immigrant experience was so beautiful and heartbreaking. Most of my friends are immigrants or children of and they have expressed similar sentiments. Even being second generation on my father’s side…feels that way when I go to Mexico. We call it “ni aquí ni allá”. Neither here nor there. ❤️‍🔥

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Thank you for this. Becoming an immigrant is the most life-defining and enriching experience of my life, but man, it's a daily fucking heartbreak.

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Sep 3Liked by Petya K. Grady

I loved reading about your Enter Ghost reflections and how it resonated with you as an immigrant. As that perspective is not one I know, to hear how you read the book (w that perspective) is so intriguing and beautiful. This is why books are so amazing - so much of what you take from the page is influenced by your own life. It feels really special to be able to think about your reflections and how that adds more value to how I think about the book even over a month after I read it myself. I’m glad you enjoyed it!

And playboy sounds amazing!!! I trust you & billie so I will absolutely be keeping an eye out for that soon.

Ps you and Rumi are soooo Lorelai and Rory, no indoctrination in sight! Your dates sound wonderful 🩷

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To paraphrase that famous saying, we don't read books as they are. We read them as we are. I really loved it - on it's own and for myself. I will tell you though, I wished I had looked at a map more often because I felt woefully ignorant of the political designations of the various cities mentioned.

Re: Playboy - you will love it from page 1.

Re: The Gilmore Girls - feels wrong to be talking about in the same breath as Playboy - but I have never actually watched it and so many fall reading posts recently have mentioned it, so I think I may give it a try!

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Sep 3Liked by Petya K. Grady

sooo intrigued by constance debre!!

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Totally up your alley! You will love her.

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OMG I just LOVE your Saturday morning vibes with your daughter- dressing up for the library and taking your loot to a coffee shop is just the perfect Saturday to me! My family have always seen Saturdays as library day and it was a staple part of our weekend until they were grown. Now with our youngest at 17, my husband and I still go by ourselves! Also, my teenager loves reading graphic novels and also reads more widely, so I wouldn't worry about that!

As for your books (none of which I've read- yet...) I have now put Playboy and Drifts on my list, and taken Liars off...

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Of all the places in the world to dress up for, I feel that a bookstore or a library are at the very top of the list.

Thank you for telling my about your kids - my intuition is to never say no to a book and just let her cultivate her own taste. But the snob in me is struggling. I don't know even know why because a lot of what she reads has been so cool, I've read it myself ON MY OWN TIME.

If you haven't read any other Zambreno yet, I think you would REALLY love her Heroines. There's a new anniversary edition that I know is out in the UK, as well!

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I haven't read any Zambreno so can't wait to dive into some! Also, as a compromise, my kid has enjoyed some of the classics done as graphic novels, and have then gone on to read them. They discovered To Kill a Mockingbird that way!

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Sep 3Liked by Petya K. Grady

I just wanted to say thanks for sharing your August reading journey. Your honest thoughts on each book and the way you linked literature with your personal experiences made for a great read!

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Thank you so much! Your note means a lot to me. I am not a professional reviewer, I am not actually very well read. But I love to read and sharing my love for books so, truly, you made my date!

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Sep 3Liked by Petya K. Grady

Hi. I read graphic novels as a child, and did well in school. I read all the time. Please feel free to let Rumi read as many graphic novels as she wants.

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Thank you so much for this! I think you guys have convinced me.

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This is such a beautiful list. I love the way you write about books.

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Like my Godmother taught me. 🥹

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I loved Drifts by Kate Zambreno! You said it perfectly. She is a writer whose brain she can't help but put you (the reader) inside. I would definitely read her memoir The Light Room; it's a perfect extension of Drifts.

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Thank you for the recommendation, I haven't read the memoir yet and definitely will!

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so glad you enjoyed debre’s work!! im super excited to read it for my work in chloe caldwell’s erotic heartbreak writing class!

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that class sounds amazing!

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Debre and Playboy are totally on my radar now, thanks!

I didn’t read anything that wrecked me in August, but I was totally engrossed by Tess Gunty’s The Rabbit Hutch. I love when an author plays around with odd or even fantastical things, but then grounds them in places/characters that feel very authentic and realistic.

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I have The Rabbit Hutch in a pile next to my bed! I keep confusing it with Mona Awad's Bunny and for some reason keep forgetting to pick it up. I really hope to get to it soon. Thank you so much for the reminder.

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Sep 4Liked by Petya K. Grady

I'm putting Drifts on my list! Thanks for the recommendations! BTW I'm currently reading All Fours, one of your recommendations.

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So glad! Please come back to tell me if it moved you!

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Sep 4Liked by Petya K. Grady

I started Playboy as well and I love how it is told through vignettes because isn’t that how memory works anyway! Looking forward to checking out the other reads as well.

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Please let me know what you think! I just started the second book in the trilogy last night and it's even more brutal than Playboy. I completely agree about the vignette style of writing, it feels so atmospheric. And it makes for a very page turn-y reading experience.... just one more, just one more... It reminds of reading to my kid when she was littler.

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Sep 4Liked by Petya K. Grady

Right! It really makes you wonder what she did next. I’ll keep you in the loop once I finish

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