Apr 18Liked by Petya K. Grady

Love learning how to sneak more reading in throughout the day! Thanks for sharing, P!! 💙

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Apr 18Liked by Petya K. Grady

A note from a rice cake enthusiast - I’ve been eating rice cakes since I was probably 15, because I have an almond mom. I would like to spread the good rice cake gospel of my favorite combos: rice cake + cream chz + bloobs 🫐 + drizzle of honey; rice cake + birthday cake granola butter (or cookie butter) + berry; rice cake + melted slice of cheddar chz.

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Apr 18Liked by Petya K. Grady

After last week, I tried your suggestion of keeping books around for squeezing in reading between activities. I found that keeping my books of short essays has been perfect for sneaking in a few pages at a time! Also, I love love love children’s books and YA fiction, so definitely adding the skull to my list!

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Apr 18Liked by Petya K. Grady

Loved this 👏🏽👏🏽 I’ve been taking your advice and leaning against lots of counters, reading. I’m doing a day in the life post soon, too. I can’t explain why I love them so much, but I do.

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Apr 18Liked by Petya K. Grady

Loved When the Coffee Gets Cold AFTER I read it and several days passed. It’s a book that I didn’t love immediately but I often think about. It takes you there and lets you ponder. I’d say stick with it, but if the genre itself is off-putting then maybe now is not the time to read it. I always have a book at hand whether it’s on my phone (Audible), my Kindle paperwhite or a physical copy. I prefer different types of books through different mediums - so there’s always something going on. It’s a rare day that you don’t catch me without some sort of book within reach - the majority of my reading is from 930p-12a (and weekend).

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Apr 18Liked by Petya K. Grady

The Awakening was required reading when I was in high school-and I went to an all girls’ Catholic school. I’ve reread it once since, but feel like I truly would not have appreciated it until adulthood.

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This was so much fun to read! I feel like I'm in the minority here but I rarely read on my lunch break. It's usually the only time I can squeeze in a few minutes of television uninterrupted.

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Apple butter also improves rice cakes a great deal.

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Apr 18Liked by Petya K. Grady

I love this so much! The biggest takeaway for me is putting the book I am currently reading next to me. I usually leave my fun reading (I am a professor so I read a lot for work, but it’s mainly theory, so I always have other reading for leisure) next to my nightstand, but I need to start bringing it with me to my home office (in basement). I also need to remember to put my book in my purse so I can read on subway, while waiting at kid activities, etc. I probably need to start having more than one book going, but I struggle with that. Currently reading On Having and Being Had by Eula Bliss.

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Apr 18Liked by Petya K. Grady

Gorgeous issue, Petya! I’m not sure if you’ve read Stephen King’s On Writing? Something he wrote in it is that he always carries a book so that he can read anywhere and everywhere — his number-one writing advice is simply to be reading at every opportunity. I think about this all the time and you’ve reminded me with this essay that I need to prioritise this as much as possible.

Re: rice cakes — I love eating them with hummus, sliced tomato, and sesame salt/dukkah/spicy chilli crisp. Enjoy!

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Such a fun sneak peek into your life! Thinking of a personal library like a wine cellar is such a great point, love that. My go-to rice cake topper is avocado and canned tuna (with lots of s+p)! Also, I think I need to get some tiny books for lunch break reads, thanks for the tips. xx

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Such a delightful, inspiring read, Petya! I typically read for 1-3 hours before bed - mostly fiction these days. I reread AWAKENING a couple months ago...and now can’t put down the ACOTAR series.

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Apr 18Liked by Petya K. Grady

Really enjoyed this, Petya! I used to read much more before I retired than I do now. I think I am so busy with all the other things I want to do with my life, but I want to get back to reading more often. You've inspired me! And I love your Bookclub with your daughter - what a wonderful idea in addition to reading to her.

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Apr 18Liked by Petya K. Grady

I need to reach for a book instead of scrolling on my phone--but, of course, that is how I ended up reading this post! Which I really enjoyed. I'm having trouble balancing book reading with newsletter/blog reading. I think I read The Awakening 4 or so different times earlier in my life--college through early 40s. At times when life seemed to be coming undone. Audiobooks have become my favorite way of reading, and based on your recommendation for the narrator, I think I might try it again. I suspect it won't speak to me the same way now, though. (Kids grown and a lot of other things not as consuming as they once were.)

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I love reading posts like this! And it’s a great way to get new book recommendations!

I recently got a library card at my local library and I absolutely love having access to so many books and audiobooks

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This was an amazing insight, thanks for sharing. I currently only read an ebook on my phone in bed at the end of the day, but you have inspired me to try and fit in more pockets of time

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